Industrial Absorbent

Industrial Absorbent

Features and benefits

  • Natural - Benefit Safe for Humans, Animals, Plants and the Environment.
  • Non-Toxic - Benefit No associated Health & Safety issues or environmental issues in use or disposal.
  • Organic - Benefit Use to improve soil conduitions (A RENEWABLE RESOURCE)
  • Biodegradable - Benefit land filling Hazardous and nonhazardous waste. (Landfill friendly No long term environmental effect)
  • Flammability - Does not ignite instantly when exposed to heat or flame, in fact it is difficult to establish a smolder.
  • Versatile - Benefit Can be applied on any surface type, land or water, and absorbs the widest variety of liquids when compared to traditional absorbents. (Reduces inventory and simplifies training and decision making; one absorbent does it all)
  • Easy to use - Benefit No specialized training or equipment, just open and apply. (Reduces labor and equipment expense)
  • Lightweight - Benefit Absorbs 4 tiems its own weight. (Less physical strain in handling and lower shipping and disposal cost)
  • Super-absorbent - Benefit Absorbs hydrocarbons with up to 8 times less than competitive products. (Lower volumes of absorbent and weight. Reduces transportation and disposal costs)
  • Absorbs on contact - Benefit Quicker absorption means less spill spread and less penetration resulting in lower clean-up cost.
  • Non-Leaching - Benefit Holds onto the absorbed liquid, therefore less dripping mess in clean up. (Very important in controlling the liquid on site cleanup, during transportation and in landfills)
  • Vapor Suppressive - Benefit Reduces flammable vapors by 90%. (Lowers explosion and odor risks)
  • Renewable/Sustainable Resource - Benefit Sphagnum peat moss is the dead material that accumulates as new live material grows on top and exerts pressure on the peat moss below. Over 50 million tons of peat are estimated to accumulate in the natural environment each year in Canada while current production utilizes approximately 700,000 to 800,000 tons annually. Several options are currently utilized for bag reclamation and restoration.
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